Member State specific support for
Implementation of eCall
eCall using the single European Emergency number of 112 has been mandated as a legal requirement for all 28 European Member States. All Member States will have to ensure their Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) are ready to receive eCall from 1st October 2017.
All new types of cars and light trucks manufactured after the 31st March 2018 must have fitted an eCall device using 112. In addition, vehicle makers may also offer private eCall services alongside the mandated eCall, but it must not distract the driver.
The complexity of implementing eCall across Europe cannot be over stated. Each Member State is required to determine how many PSAP need to be upgraded and how the eCall types will be received and processed.
Our expertise
ShadowFocus has specialist expertise in the development and deployment of eCall based on 112 across Europe and beyond. We have a deep understanding of the complexity of implementing eCall and how implementation issues specific to
particular Member States can be resolved. ShadowFocus is now further developing, and is involved in guiding the development of eCall for other types of vehicles in Europe. We are also looking at how the data captured as a result of an eCall activation can be further exploited, and the opportunities that this presents for the whole rescue chain.
Andy was part of the original development team for eCall in 2002. His involvement in the HeERO and HeERO2 project as the project lead and the Technical Implementing Officer for I_HeERO, coupled with his operational experience in the Police Service, means that ShadowFocus Consultancy has a unique perspective on, and understanding of, how to implement eCall. Andy now has a new role as the Technical Implementing Officer for Project sAFE a Connected Europe Facility project defining specification and standards for after-market eCall for all vehicle categories.